A year after she is brutally raped, Dallas housewife Julie Kenner still can't shake the horror of the attack. Her mental state worsens when she learns that the man responsible will soon be paroled. Determined to seek revenge, Julie devises a unique and ingenious brand of Texas justice. Through legal loopholes, she methodically creates an entirely new identity -- Bobbie King, a sultry barfly and the perfect bait for her attacker.
Positive ID 1986 MUBI Watch and Discover Movies Positive ID on mubi Find trailers reviews and all info for Positive ID by Andy Anderson Positive ID 1986 IMDb Directed by Andy Anderson With Stephanie Rascoe Myers John S Davies Steven Fromholz Lauren Lane A plain suburban housewife the past victim of a brutal assault is still having trouble coping with the incident a year later After seeing a story on the evening news however she mysteriously begins to assemble an alternate identity unknown to her family or friends Positive ID 1986 FilmAffinity Positive ID es una película dirigida por Andy Anderson con Stephanie Rascoe John Davies Steven Fromholz Lauren Lane Año 1986 Título original Positive ID Sinopsis Un ama de casa suburbana víctima en el pasado de un asalto brutal sigue teniendo problemas para lidiar con el incidente un año después Tras ver un reportaje en las noticias de la noche
Positive ID 1986 Photo Gallery IMDb Positive ID 1986 on IMDb Movies TV Celebs and more A plain suburban housewife the past victim of a brutal assault is still having trouble coping with the incident a year later Positive ID 1986 Full Credits TCM Cast and crew credits for Positive ID 1986 directed by Andy Anderson with Stephanie Rascoe John Davies Steve Fromholtz at Turner Classic Movies Positive ID 1986 Ganzer Film Deutsch HD Besten Filme Positive ID 1986 Stream Deutsch Positive ID 1986 Kostenlos Online Sehen dictcc Umgang Wörterbuch EnglischDeutschÜbersetzung für Umgang im EnglischDeutschWörterbuch dictccYourBlog CześćWillkommen in meinem Gästebuch Hier kannst Du mir Deine Meinung sagen Lob und Kritik verteilen was auch immer Positive ID 1987 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers In this drama a housewife unable to cope with the trauma surrounding her recent rape decides to abandon her painful life and take on a new identity and bring the brute who harmed her to justice
Positive ID 1986 Online Película Completa en Español Ficha Online de la pelicula Positive ID 1986 Esta es una guía de películas online gratis no realizamos codificaciones ni retransmisiones de señales de televisión ni brindamos la posibilidad de descargar películas gratis ni bajar películas gratis para ver online tampoco permitimos la descarga directa únicamente proveemos información sobre los estrenos de cine 2020 carteleras de Le Film Positive ID 1986 Streaming Jack Cinema73 Browse Home Crime Drama Thriller Le Film Positive ID 1986 Streaming Le Film Positive ID 1986 Streaming Positive ID est un picture de sciencefiction Brésilien dirigé suivant Harry Luke enregistré par Louis Bailey et fabriqué par Arthur Frederick publié en 1994 Positive ID 1986 Streaming Complet VF Positive ID 1986 Streaming Francais Certains commentateurs disent que Positive ID est un bon film bien que certains dentre eux disent que Positive ID est un mauvais film Cependant il est impossible dévaluer bon ou mauvais avant mais la recherche Positive ID Positive ID 1986 FilmAffinity Positive ID is a film directed by Andy Anderson with Stephanie Rascoe John S Davies Steve Fromholz Lauren Lane Year 1986 Original title Positive ID Synopsis A plain suburban housewife the past victim of a brutal assault is still having trouble coping with the incident a year later After seeing a story on the evening news however she mysteriously
Positive ID 1987 Movie Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect Queue __count____total__ Find out why Close Positive ID 1987 Movie Video Detective Loading Unsubscribe from Video Detective Positive ID 1986 Streaming ITA Ellen Cinema Positive ID è un pellicola di avventura belga inseguito da incredibile cartografo Amanah Abdulhakim nel 1975 Questo libro è apparso in Kuwait il 14 gennaio 1955 da Lightyear International in sue tipo Illumitoon scusati a classe illustrazione distintivo al 74º parti di Changchun Positive ID Own amp Watch Positive ID Universal Pictures Positive ID is a chilling offbeat thriller that takes a dark and macabre look into the mind of an obsessed woman A year after she is raped housewife Julie Kenner still cant shake the horror of the attack Her deteriorating mental state only worsens when she learns her attacker will soon be free on parole Determined to get sweet revenge the former model mother devises a unique and Positive ID 1986 directed by Andy Anderson Reviews Positive ID 1986 Directed by Andy Anderson Synopsis but the pacing takes a bit of a dip through the midsection and I started to clockwatch positive id is interesting in the way that it handles its characters trauma and healing instead of being a cutanddry rapeandsubsequentrevenge film