Neo, a drifter from the atomic-blasted wastelands, arrives with his klutzy robot sidekick at a factory where slaves labor to fuel the sinister Dark One's Power Station. There, he meets a comely woman who convinces him to help rescue her scientist father, who has invented a device that can break the Dark One's control over the slaves. Gathering a motley crew of allies on the way, Neo and pals travel to the Power Station, where they confront the Dark One's evil servants.
Robot Holocaust 1986 Evil robots take over the world after humans forget how to dress or recite dialogue all whilst confusing the human race with a promotional poster that has nothing to do with the plot Word may Robot Holocaust 1986 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Robot Holocaust 1986 Stream and Watch Online Survivors of devastation regroup after robots revolt against their human masters on New Terra see full movie info Robot Holocaust 1986 Rotten Tomatoes Streaming Movies TV Shows There are no critic reviews yet for Robot Holocaust 100 Fresh Movies You Can Watch for Free Online Right Now
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