Retired cop and celebrity DJ Tucker Williams (aka The Disco Godfather) takes to the streets as a dangerous hallucinogenic drug called Angel Dust begins to take hold of the neighborhood.
Disco Godfather 1979 Full Movie YouTube Disco Godfather1979 httpsogexctrosckuun11dg Disco Godfather 1979 IMDb Directed by J Robert Wagoner With Rudy Ray Moore Carol Speed Jimmy Lynch Jerry Jones A retired cop becomes a DJcelebrity at the Blueberry Hill disco hes the Disco Godfather All is well until his nephew flips out on a strange new drug thats sweeping the streets called angel dust or PCP Disco Godfather vows to personally come down on the suckers thats producing this shit Watch Free Movie Online Disco Godfather 1979 on Disco Godfather 1979 A retired cop becomes a DJcelebrity at the Blueberry Hill disco hes the Disco Godfather All is well until his nephew flips out on a strange new drug thats sweeping the streets called angel dust or PCP Disco Godfather vows to personally come down on the suckers thats producing this shit He takes to the streets slaps drug dealers and even exposes a
Watch Disco Godfather Online 1979 Movie Yidio Watch Disco Godfather Online Disco Godfather the 1979 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio Disco Godfather 1979 J Robert Wagoner Rudy Ray Moore J Robert Wagoner directs the 1979 blaxploitationmartial arts classic Disco Godfather Rudy Ray Moore stars as Tucker Williams an excop and resident DJ at the nightclub Blueberry Hill Disco When his nephew Bucky Julius J Carry III gets mixed up with drugs Tucker is motivated to start some violenceWith the help of plucky Noel Carol Speed Tucker takes on major angel dust dealer Disco Godfather 1979 Movie Moviefone Disco Godfather 1979 A nightclub owner Rudy Ray Moore declares war on drug dealers after his nephew has a bad trip on angel dust Watch Online Powered by JustWatch Release Date 1979 DVD Disco Godfather Film 1979 Moviepilot Disco Godfather ist ein Kriminalfilm aus dem Jahr 1979 von J Robert Wagoner mit Rudy Ray Moore Carol Speed und Jerry Jones Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Disco Godfather Der
Watch Disco Godfather 1979 Full Movie Free Online Disco Godfather 1979 1 hr 37 min R Action Crime Drama Rudy Ray Moore ends his 70s film run in this trippy Blaxploitation classic featuring KungFu moves disco bliss and nightmarish antidrug sequences DIRECTOR J Robert Wagoner STARRING Rudy Ray Moore Carol Speed Lady Reed Jimmy Lynch Jerry Jones COMPANY About Us Careers Contact SUPPORT Contact Support Help Center Disco Godfather 1979 Film Complet Disco Godfather 1979 watch onlinetextefrancaisregarderHD 1080pfilm completiphonestreaming vostfrandroiden lignebonne qualitétruefrenchdvdripbdripvoirtéléchargerfreevkyouwatchonlinemp4françaisblu ray 4kdownloadtraductiongratuitementgratuitle filmstreaming vfstreamfrancefull movieentierroman Disco Godfather 1979 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers J Robert Wagoner directs the 1979 blaxploitationmartial arts classic Disco Godfather Rudy Ray Moore stars as Tucker Williams an excop and resident DJ at the nightclub Blueberry Hill Disco Disco Godfather 1979 KULTMOVIEGANG Disco Godfather 1979 Posted on 30 November 2018 17 Dezember 2018 by Ronny Kupferschmid Review Kurz Drugs bad Disco good Mmmkay Lang Rudy Ray Moore is back Nachdem uns schon The Human Tornado nachhaltig verstörte war es nur eine Frage der Zeit bis wir uns sein vermeintliches Disasterpiece zu Gemüte führen würden Disco Godfather sein letzter Film in der RRM70er
Disco Godfather Movie 1979 video dailymotion Disco Godfather Movie Trailer HD 1979 Plot synopsis A retired cop becomes a DJcelebrity at the Blueberry Hill disco hes the Disco Godfather All is well until his nephew flips out on a strange new drug thats sweeping the streets called angel dust or PCP Disco Godfather vows to personally come down on the suckers thats producing this shit Disco Godfather 1979 Full Movie YouTube Disco Godfather full Movie Watch Online Disco Godfather full English Full Movie Underwater full Full Movie Disco Godfather full Full Movie Streaming Disco Godfather Full Movie EngSub Watch Disco Disco Godfather 1979 Review Disco Godfather 1979 Director J Robert Wagoner Starring Rudy Ray Moore Julius Carry Carol Speed Jimmy Lynch Jerry Jones Lady Reed Frank Finn Disco Godfather could very well qualify Rudy Ray Moore as the Ed Wood of the 1970s It is a movie so bad badly filmed badly acted and badly edited that it reaches a Platonic ideal of Disco Godfather 1979 123Movies Disco Godfather vows to personally come down on the suckers thats producing this shit He takes to the streets slaps drug dealers and even exposes a crooked cop that is covering for the dealers In between he still finds time to manage the Blueberry Hill and perform Put a little slide in yo glide he pleads to the patrons Put some weight on it Disco Godfather tracks down