James and his three closest lifelong friends go on an ill-advised trip to the stunning coastal area of Barafundle Bay in West Wales. What follows is a touching and comical adventure dealing with friendship, heroism and love.
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Third Star 2010 FilmAffinity Third Star es una película dirigida por Hattie Dalton con Benedict Cumberbatch JJ Feild Tom Burke Adam Robertson Año 2010 Título original Third Star Sinopsis Third Star es la historia de cuatro jóvenes amigos desde la infancia que deciden irse de acampada a la punta más alejada de la costa oeste de Gales James tiene una enfermedad terminal y tanto él Amazon Watch Third Star Prime Video This movie was filmed in 2010 before the Sherlock frenzy Benedict Cumberbatchplays a 29 year old who is dying of cancer not a spoiler as the movie opens like that The movie starts on his birthday and he knows he wont live to see 30 Right off the bat you know its going to be sad Third Star 2010 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers Streaming Movies TV Shows Third Star is a brilliant heartwarming film It is written 20 Movies To Watch If You Loved Inception Third Star 2010 Recommended by agoodmovietowatch Most Popular Movies Shows Staff Picks Mood Advanced Discover great movies and shows to watch agoodmovietowatch recommends highlyrated and often littleknown movies on popular streaming services Read More Third Star 2010 Now On Amazon Prime 71 W Wade