The new owner of a roadside diner stuck in a town built around an always leaking nuclear power plant plans to torch the place to collect insurance. However, an assortment of bizarre characters and weird events (such as spaceships flying around) gets in his way.
Human Highway 1982 Cast and Crew Moviefone Human Highway 1982 Cast and Crew Goofy gasstation attendants Neil Young Russ Tamblyn face disaster every day from a nearby nuclear power plant see full movie info Human Highway 1982 Full Credits TCM Cast and crew credits for Human Highway 1982 directed by Neil Young with Russ Tamblyn Sally Kirkland at Turner Classic Movies Human Highway 1982 Ganzer Film Deutsch HD Filme Online Human Highway 1982 stream deutsch Human Highway 1982 online anschauen Human Highway 1982 kostenlos online sehen Zusammenfassung und Detail Dauer der Film 1h 53 min
Human Highway 1982 Watch Full Movie Online Netflix US Watch Human Highway Full Movie HD Quality Human Highway Full movies is also available to watch with your country subtitles Enjoy with your family in your house Click Here to Stream gtgt Streaming Human Highway Full Movie on Netflix US Human Highway is a 1982 comedy film starring and codirected by Neil Young under his pseudonym Bernard Shakey Dean Stockwell codirected the film and acted Human Highway Human Highway 1982 Film Human Highway Komedija o maloj zalogajnici i bizarnim likovima koji je posjećuju Pogledajte video i opis za film Human Highway Human Highway Human Highway 1982 IMDb Directed by Dean Stockwell Neil Young With Neil Young Russ Tamblyn Dean Stockwell Dennis Hopper The new owner of a roadside diner stuck in a town built around an always leaking nuclear power plant plans to torch the place to collect insurance However an assortment of bizare characters and weird events such as spaceships flying around gets in his way Human Highway 1982 Where to Watch Online Official Human Highway 1982 is a comedy drama movie starring Neil Young and Dean Stockwell It is directed by Dean Stockwell The new owner of a roadside diner stuck in a town built
Human Highway 1982 The Movie Database TMDb Human Highway is a 1982 comedy film starring and codirected by Neil Young under his pseudonym Bernard Shakey Dean Stockwell codirected the film and acted along with Russ Tamblyn Dennis Hopper and the band Devo Included is a collaborative performance of Hey Hey My My Into the Black by Devo and Young with Booji Boy singing lead vocals Aktuelle und neue Filme in der Übersicht Moviepilot Hier findest du alle Filme die aktuell im Kino als Stream oder auf DVD und Bluray verfügbar sind Die neusten Trailer und News zu deinen Lieblingsfilmen HUMAN HIGHWAY Directors Cut Trailer Festival 2014 One of the wilder visions Neil Young ever had Human Highway is an anarchic satire conceived in the cauldron of Cold War America It may also be the secret origin of The Simpsons Now recut and Human Highway 1982 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers Rocker Neil Young headlines this socially conscious comedy about people living in fear beside a nuclear power plant Deniss Hopper Russ Tamblyn and Dean Stockwell also appear but the highlight
Human Highway Wikipedia Human Highway is a 1982 American comedy film starring and codirected by Neil Young under his pseudonym Bernard Shakey Dean Stockwell codirected the film and acted along with Russ Tamblyn Dennis Hopper and the band DevoIncluded is a collaborative performance of Hey Hey My My Into the Black by Devo and Young with Booji Boy singing lead vocals and Young playing lead guitar Human Highway 1982 Filmweb Human Highway 1982 informacje o filmie w bazie Filmwebpl Oceny recenzje obsada dyskusje wiadomości zwiastuny ciekawostki oraz galeria Human Highway 1982 Dean Stockwell Neil Young Find trailers reviews synopsis awards and cast information for Human Highway 1982 Dean Stockwell Neil Young on AllMovie Rock legend Neil Young directed this bizarre bit HUMAN HIGHWAY DIRECTORS CUT Trailer Neil Youngs rare bizarre 1982 apocalyptic comedy finally hits Australian screens Young is revered for his righteous protest songs but lost curio Human Highway proves that he can have fun