Jackal (Takeshi Kaneshiro), Cash (Jordan Chan) and Sam (Charlie Young) form the core of ATM (Available Tactical Mercenaries), an industrial espionage unit that utilizes high-tech gadgetry to steal technology and fence it on the black market. However, they're blackmailed by the Hong Kong government (led by Alex Fong Chung-Sun) to snatch some counterfeit plates called SN2 from the British MI5. Naturally stuff goes wrong, our heroes are framed for SN2’s disappearance, and then they must set about clearing their names with whatever hi-tech gadgets they have leftover.
Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Movie Moviefone Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Release Date 1997 Stream Online Triad Election In the wake of his first successful stint at the helm of a Chinese crime syndicate Lok Simon Yam proposes an Downtown Torpedoes 1997 IMDb Directed by Teddy Chan With Takeshi Kaneshiro Jordan Chan Charlie Yeung Ken Wong A group of topsecret espionage agents must help a secret government group steal a set of counterfeit money plates from MI5 the British spy organization Downtown Torpedoes 1997 MyDramaList A group of industrial spies are arrested by the Hong Kong government instead of being sent to prison they are offered a special mission The printing plates for the British Pound have been recently stolen but the Hong Kong government has found out that the plates are in the possession of MI5 British Intelligence
Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Rotten Tomatoes 1997 Add Article Downtown Torpedoes Audience Reviews for Downtown Torpedoes May 13 2008 100 Fresh Movies You Can Watch for Free Online Right Now Downtown Torpedoes 神偷諜影 1997 Kozo 1997 Notes Downtown Torpedoes can largely be considered the father of the modern HK action film By modern HK action film we mean a Westerninfluenced actionthriller thats more concerned with glossy superficiality than actual nutsandbolts action Downtown Torpedoes Feature Clip Trump Wears a Mask amp The White House Goes After Fauci The Daily Social Distancing Show Duration 854 The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Recommended for you New Downtown Torpedoes 1997 directed by Teddy Chan Jackal Takeshi Kaneshiro Cash Jordan Chan and Sam Charlie Young form the core of ATM Available Tactical Mercenaries an industrial espionage unit that utilizes hightech gadgetry to steal technology and fence it on the black market However theyre blackmailed by the Hong Kong government led by Alex Fong ChungSun to snatch some counterfeit plates called SN2 from the British MI5
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Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Cast and Crew Moviefone See the full list of Downtown Torpedoes cast and crew including actors directors producers and more Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Full Movie YouTube Underwater full Full Movie Downtown Torpedoes full Full Movie Streaming Downtown Torpedoes Full Movie EngSub Watch Downtown Torpedoes full English Full Movie Online Downtown Torpedoes full Film Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Trakttv Jackal Takeshi Kaneshiro Cash Jordan Chan and Sam Charlie Young form the core of ATM Available Tactical Mercenaries an industrial espionage unit that utilizes hightech gadgetry to steal technology and fence it on the black market However theyre blackmailed by the Hong Kong government led by Alex Fong ChungSun to snatch some counterfeit plates called SN2 from the British MI5 Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Teddy Chan Related AllMovie Find similar and related movies for Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Teddy Chan on AllMovie Find similar and related movies for Downtown Torpedoes 1997 Teddy Chan on AllMovie New to Stream Watch or buy on MPAA Rating NR Flags Violence Category Feature