An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky, only to discover that her ex boyfriend does not understand the 'ex' part and wants to get violent. The plot (and cast) is rounded out by some really weird characters, all contributing to the general mayhem and laughs.
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Stoute Boudjies Reviews Channel 30 Nov 2010 Stoute Boudjies Sam Brighton Share What its about Hardus a computer science student is having a hard time He cant find a holiday job and hes desperate to lose his virginity After an embarrassing stint as the chicken outside Chicken Licken he meets Petro who immediately offers to deflower him Just when he thinks things are turning around he and his best mate Vaatjie Stoute Boudjies Movie Stoute Boudjies 2010 Fantasy Drama Action Thriller Science Fiction Foreign An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a thirdyear student and his buddy at their holiday job Desperate to lose his virginity he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky only to discover that her ex boyfriend does not understand the ex part and wants to get violent Stoute Boudjies 2010 The Movie Database TMDb Stoute Boudjies 2010 16SL 12102010 ZA Comedy 1h 33m User Score Play Trailer Overview An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a thirdyear student and his buddy at their holiday job Desperate to lose his virginity he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky only to discover that her ex boyfriend does not understand the ex part and wants to get violent The Watch Stoute Boudjies 2010 Movie Online Moviegaga Watch Stoute Boudjies 2010 Full Movie Online Free In HD An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a thirdyear student and his buddy at their holiday job Desperate to lose his virginity he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky
Watch Movie Stoute Boudjies 2010 Full HD Online Free Watch Movie Stoute Boudjies 2010 Full HD Cast Douglas Chapman Kyra Zagorsky Philip Granger Lloyd Adams Nickolas Baric Dalias Blake Albert De Villiers Angelique Pretorius Gerhard Odendaal Andrew Thompson Richard Van Der Westhuizen Willie Esterhuizen Lizz Meiring Dirk Stoltz Matt Stern Terence Bridgett Perlè Sippel Dorette Nel Carien Botha Karin Van Der Laag Pumla Ndlazi Stoute Boudjies 2010 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a thirdyear student and his buddy at their holiday job Desperate to lose his virginity he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky Stoute Boudjies 2010 Movieo Stoute Boudjies Comedy 2010 Add to Watchlist Add to Seenlist Add to Blacklist Add to or remove from a custom list 0 Comments 55 NA NA An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a thirdyear student and his buddy at their holiday job Desperate to lose his virginity he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky only to discover that her ex boyfriend does not Stoute Boudjies 2010 IMDb Directed by Willie Esterhuizen With Albert de Villiers Angelique Pretorius Gerhard Odendaal Andrew Thompson An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a thirdyear student and his buddy at their holiday job Desperate to lose his virginity he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky only to discover that her ex boyfriend does not understand the ex part and wants to
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