1 Giant Leap is a concept band and media project consisting of the two principal artists, Jamie Catto and Duncan Bridgeman. This is the film part of their first project.[BR]The result is a flowing, loose-knit tapestry of imagery, interviews, and diverse performances. Gathering material from 25 countries and dozens of famous and not-so-famous musicians, authors, celebrities, spiritualists, philosophers, and unique individuals from nearly every cultural background, this enveloping DVD is best enjoyed as a soothing audiovisual odyssey (select "loop mode" for continuous play!). Assembling this cornucopia by theme (Time, Inspiration, Sex, God, Death, etc.), Bridgeman and Catto function as co-composers with an astonishing array of collaborators, giving 1 Giant Leap its richly international (and some might say inter-spiritual) identity. The result is a far-reaching glimpse of our world through the eyes of those who improve it by their musical presence. --Jeff Shannon
1 Giant Leap 2002 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone 1 Giant Leap 2002 Stream and Watch Online Directors Duncan Bridgeman and Jamie Catto gather material from 25 countries and dozens of famous and notsofamous musicians authors and celebrities 1 Giant Leap Wikipedia 1 Giant Leap ist ein CrossoverProjekt des Musikers Jamie Catto Gründungsmitglied von Faithless und des Produzenten Duncan Bridgeman aus dem Jahre 2001 um Musik und Bilder aus 20 Ländern vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmend globalisierten Welt im Genre der Weltmusik zu vereinen 1 Giant Leap 2002 1 Giant Leap 2002 User Reviews 1 Giant Leap 2002 User Reviews Review this title 10 Reviews Hide Spoilers Sort by An incredible person suggested me and my brother to watch 1 Giant Leap saying that the movie would be very inspiring for us I started watching the documentary expecting something nice but what I got was something beyond that I found the documentary VERY good and I felt happiness and joy after
1 Giant Leap 2002 Filmweb 1 Giant Leap 2002 Brytyjscy muzycy Duncan Bridgeman i Jamie Catto wpadają na pomysł projektu 1 Giant Leap kiedy odkrywają wzajemne zainteresowanie muzyką filmem filozofią Amazon 1 Giant Leap Bhosle Asha Bridgeman Duncan World music world travel and worldly wisdom form the unified whole of the ambitiously bohemian DVD 1 Giant Leap Creators Duncan Bridgeman and Jamie Catto cast themselves as globetrotting ambassadors of goodwill and good music and they prove better as musical explorers than as filmmakers The result is a flowing looseknit tapestry of imagery interviews and diverse performances 1 Giant Leap Film 2002 Kritik Trailer News 1 Giant Leap Ein Film von Duncan Bridgeman mit Maxi Jazz und Dennis Hopper Weitere Informationen zu diesem und anderen Filmen auf Moviejones Watch One Giant Leap Online Stream Full Episodes Watch One Giant Leap online instantly Start your 7 Day NOW TV Free Trial and stream to your laptop TV iPad iPhone and other devices
1 Giant Leap 2002 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers British musicians Duncan Bridgeman and Jamie Catto came up with the idea for 1 Giant Leap after discovering their mutual interest in music film philosophy spirituality and diversity The Movie search results for 1 giant leap AllMovie 1000 movie search results for 1 giant leap Movie 1 Giant Leap 2002 1 Giant Leap 2002 FilmAffinity 1 Giant Leap es un documental dirigido por Duncan Bridgeman Jamie Catto Año 2002 Título original 1 Giant Leap Sinopsis Jamie Catto y Duncan Bridgeman viajaron durante 7 meses por los 5 continentes y grabaron en más de 50 lugares para crear la película y el álbum más inspiradores que pudieran imaginar Su misión no era 1 Giant Leap 2002 Overview TCM FOR 1 Giant Leap 2002 YOU CAN UPLOAD AN IMAGE SUBMIT A VIDEO OR MOVIE CLIP ADD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WRITE YOUR OWN REVIEW TCM Messageboards Post your comments here ADD YOUR COMMENTgt share Remind Me TCMDb Archive Materials View all archives 0 DVDs from TCM Shop 1 Giant Leap The filmmakers travel the MORE gt 2195 Regularly 2697 Buy Now OVERVIEW powered by AFI DVDs from TCM
1 Giant Leap 2002 IMDb Directed by Duncan Bridgeman Jamie Catto With Asha Bhosle Whirimako Black Tim Booth Duncan Bridgeman Jamie Catto and Duncan Bridgeman travelled for 7 months through all 5 continents and recorded in over 50 locations to create the most inspiring film and album they could imagine Their mission was not only to gather insights on the huge universal themes of life from the most inspiring 1 Giant Leap 2002 Official Full Movie Light On 1 Giant Leap 2002 Official Full Movie PALM 1 Giant Leap is a collaborative video project for the 21st century which fuses music words sounds rhythms and images from over 25 locations in 20 countries around the globe to celebrate diversity of musicians storytellers authors filmmakers artists entrepreneurs artists and thinkers from many different cultures 1 Giant Leap is a 1 Giant Leap 2002 Official Full Movie 1 Giant Leap is a collaborative video project for the 21st century which fuses music words sounds rhythms and images from over 25 locations in 20 countries around the globe to celebrate 1 Giant Leap FULL MOVIE 2002 HD YouTube 1 Giant Leap full Full Movie 1 Giant Leap full Full Movie Streaming 1 Giant Leap Full Movie EngSub Watch 1 Giant Leap full English Full Movie Online 1 Giant Leap full Film Online Watch 1 Giant