Police try to capture someone who is commiting ritual murders of women during Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Watch Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Movie Online Full Movie Find Where to Watch Mardi Gras Massacre and Many More FullLength Movies From The Best Streaming Services Online Watch Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Movie Online Full Movie Streaming MSN msn MardiGrasMassacreStreamGermanHD1978 Filme Bluray MardiGrasMassacreStreamGermanHD1978 A 20180318T0352000700 50 stars based on 35 reviews 44 von 5 Sternen basierend auf 635 Kundenbewertungen Titel MardiGrasMassacre Laufzeit 1h 46 min Datei FLA 1080p DVD Version Engli Amazon Watch Mardi Gras Massacre Prime Video Mardi Gras Massacre isnt one of the more well know video nasties The film concerns a weirdo who picks up prostitutes who he thinks are evil and sacrifices them to an ancient god Once of the policemen investigating the killings becomes involved with a prostitute who may end up as one of the killers victims
Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 directed by Jack Weis Mardi Gras Massacre is interesting as its one of the very few of the 72 video nasties to never resubmit itself for a BBFC classification Now this is probably down to the distributors going bankrupt or something but Mardi Gras Massacre has never been seen legally by anyone in the UK That is a damn shame because with a bold display of rank incompetence bizarre plot choices Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 MovieMeternl Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 mijn stem 250 9 9 stemmen heeft deze film op deze site gekocht Buy Mardi Gras Massacre DVD Classic Movie DVDs shoptcm Moet ik binnenkort ook maar eens doen 35 15 0 Richard_Voorhees geplaatst 25 juli 2016 2239 uur Taaie zit Als een man de producer cameraman en regisseur van de film moet zijn is dat meestal al een teken dat het in ieder Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Trivia IMDb Watch Now For Free Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Trivia Showing all 6 items The film was listed as one of the DPPs 72 video nasties in the UK and even made the final list of 39 official titles for prosecution It has yet to receive a UK release 8 of Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Review 70s Slasher October 2013 Horror Movie Marathon Overall Grade D Plot An evil middleaged business man sacrifices New Orleans prostitutes to an ancient aztec god Commentary by JBM from MrCreepshow09
Watch Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 on Flixtorto Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Police try to capture someone who is commiting ritual murders of women during Mardi Gras in New Orleans Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 480p fullmoviesonyoutube Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 480p youtubeea_pfy Horror 2 comments share save hide report 77 Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by best level 1 4 points 11 months ago I need a woman who is EVIL level 1 2 points 11 months ago Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Horror USAX 1 h 37 min Curt Dawson Gwen Arment William Mardi Gras Massacre Full Movie YouTube Watch Mardi Gras Massacre Full Movie IN HD Visit httpwatchmoviezclubmovie58644 Police try to capture someone who is commiting ritual murders of wom Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 directed by Jack Weis Mardi Gras Massacre is a terrible movie that plays out like a 70s remake of Blood Feast but its much much worse The acting makes your average high school drama class look like Oscar winners and you know youre in trouble when you begin yearning for Herschell Gordon Lewis eye for composition Ill give it half a star for the fabulous disco soundtrack and for the fact that the awful
Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Alternate Ending Alternate Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Posted by Tim Brayton Posted on Jul 15 2018 0 Comments Nasty July Carnevil From among the Video Nasties In 1963 indie producerdirector and godfather of gore and direct marketing Herschell Gordon Lewis made Blood Feast a movie typically identified as the very first gore picture that is a movie with no intrinsic merits and no hook to its marketing campaign Mardi Gras Massacre Wikipedia Mardi Gras Massacre is a 1978 American horror film written and directed by Jack Weis It is a semisequel of the 1963 film Blood Feast The plot follows a serial killer roaming the streets of New Orleans Louisiana sacrificing women to a Peruvian god The film is notable for its reputation as a video nasty having been banned in the United Kingdom upon its release and given an X rating in Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 IMDb Directed by Jack Weis With Curt Dawson Gwen Arment William Metzo Laura Misch Owens Police try to capture someone who is commiting ritual murders of women during Mardi Gras in New Orleans Mardi Gras Massacre 1978 Stream and Watch Online Released 1978 Mardi Gras Massacre stars Curt Dawson Gwen Arment William Metzo Laura Misch Owens The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 37 min and received a score of out of 100 on