In the North of Spain, Estrella grows up captivated by her father, a doctor with mystical powers—and by the enigma of his youth in El Sur, a near-mythical region whose secrets haunt Estrella more and more as time goes on.
El Sur 1983 El Sur 1983 User Reviews IMDb El Sur 1983 was shown in the US with the title The South Its a SpanishFrench film written and directed by Víctor Erice The film is about Estrella a young woman living in the northnot southof Spain We follow her progress as she matures from an eightyearold to a fifteenyearold Iciar Bollain plays Estrella as a 15yearold El Sur 1983 YTS Movie Torrent El Sur 1983 YTS Movie Torrent Home Drama El Sur 1983 El Sur 1983 DramaRomance 1983 4 5 Rating In the North of Spain Estrella grows up captivated by her father a doctor with mystical powersand by the enigma of his youth in the South a nearmythical region whose secrets haunt Estrella more and more as time goes on Movies Info Title El Sur 1983 IMDB tt0084740 YouTube http El Sur 1983 Plot Summary IMDb El Sur 1983 Plot Showing all 3 items Jump to Summaries 3 The movie tells a melancholic story of a little girl who is living in a city in the north of Spain She is fascinated by the secrets of the south which seem to be hidden in the personality of her father Volker Boehm Somewhere in the North of Spain Estrellas father represents an unknown and fascinating world in her
Watch El Sur online BFI Player Drama 1983 94 mins Director Víctor Erice Watch trailer Rent for 350 Overview Overview Related Related Extras Extras Overview A young girl in northern Spain is fascinated by her fathers mysterious past and his childhood in the precivilwar south Spains enigmatic master Victor Erice has completed only three features since 1973 but each one is an exquisite masterpiece El Sur El Sur 1983 The Movie Database TMDb In the North of Spain Estrella grows up captivated by her father a doctor with mystical powersand by the enigma of his youth in El Sur a nearmythical region whose secrets haunt Estrella more and more as time goes on Watch El Sur 1983 on Flixtorto El Sur 1983 In the North of Spain Estrella grows up captivated by her father a doctor with mystical powersand by the enigma of his youth in El Sur a nearmythical region whose secrets haunt Estrella more and more as time goes on El Sur 1983 IMDb Directed by Víctor Erice With Omero Antonutti Sonsoles Aranguren Icíar Bollaín Lola Cardona A woman reflects on her childhood relationship with her father attempting to understand the depths of his despair and the truth of his myths
El Sur Though Erices original vision also encompassed a section set in the South itself scenes that were never shot El Sur remains an experience of rare perfection and satisfaction drawing on El Sur 1983 directed by Víctor Erice Reviews film El dolor la pérdida el paso del tiempo y las relaciones humanas abarcan El sur una obra maestra que emociona a cada plano Lo que hace Erice con tan poco es digno de elogio la relación paternofilial que narra es devastadora y te deja con un nudo en la garganta todo el devenir de la historia es tristisimo y son muchos los sentimientos que se me han pasado por la cabeza y el corazón El Sur subtitles 36 subtitles El Sur subtitles AKA Sur El The South Sur est un seul et grand Tango The movie tells a melancholic story of a little girl who is living in a city in the north She is fascinated by the secrets of the south which seem to be hidden in the personality of her father El Sur YIFY subtitles El Sur movie YIFY subtitles Toggle navigation Subtitles for YIFY movie Home El Sur El Sur 1983 Drama Romance Omero Antonutti Sonsoles Aranguren Icíar Bollaín Lola Cardona A woman reflects on her childhood relationship with her father attempting to understand the depths of his despair and the truth of his myths New Yorker Films Company NOT RATED Rated IMDB link IMDB 05 Jan
El Sur 1983 directed by Víctor Erice Reviews film Ahora estás en el cine de la eternidad donde siempre proyectan a Irene sí allá en el sur Sin sentido estás derrotado con sabor a plomo en las encías Review by Martin Former Soviet leader Vladimir Ilych Lenin plays expressionless magician as we watch him read a letter for 3 minutes El Sur 1983 Watch Full Movie Online Netflix US STREAM NOW Some commentators say that El Sur 1983 is a good movie although some of them say that El Sur 1983 is a bad movie However it is impossible to evaluate good or bad before Watch El Sur 1983 Full Movie Always remember dont trust the opinion of El Sur 1983 on the Internet because the authors paid to write a comment El sur Der Süden Film 1983 Moviepilot El sur Der Süden ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 1983 von Víctor Erice mit Icíar Bollaín Sonsoles Aranguren und Rafaela Aparicio Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu El sur Der Süden El Sur Trailer Though Erices original vision also encompassed a section set in the South itself scenes that were never shot El Sur remains an experience of rare perfection and satisfaction drawing on