Called "the longest running con in FBI history," Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, the man that people knew as "Clark Rockefeller" had brilliantly impersonated numerous people, ranging from a talk show host to a Pentagon Advisor before ultimately claiming to be an heir to the famous Rockefeller family. Confident from the success of his prior scams, Clark quickly became well known and highly respected among Boston's elite and used his purported high society status to charm his way into the life of Sandra Boss, a millionaire with a Harvard MBA and a partner at the prestigious management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company.
Who Is Clark Rockefeller 2010 Stream and Watch Online Released 2010 Who Is Clark Rockefeller stars EricMcCormack SherryStringfield ReginaTaylor EmilyAlynLind The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 30 min and received a score of out of 100 on Who Is Clark Rockefeller Full Movie on 123Movies Free Online Watch Who Is Clark Rockefeller Full For Free on 123Movies released in 2010 year Called the longest running con in FBI history Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter the man that people knew as Clark Rockefeller had brilliantly impersonated numerous people ranging from a talk show host to a Pentagon Advisor before ultimately claiming to be an heir to the famous Rockefeller family Watch Who Is Clark Rockefeller Online Stream Full Movie Watch Who Is Clark Rockefeller starring Eric McCormack in this Drama on DIRECTV Its available to watch on TV online tablets phone
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Who Is Clark Rockefeller TV Movie 2010 IMDb Directed by Mikael Salomon With Eric McCormack Sherry Stringfield Emily Alyn Lind Stephen McHattie Called the longest running con in FBI history Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter the man that people knew as Clark Rockefeller McCormack had brilliantly impersonated numerous people ranging from a talk show host to a Pentagon Advisor before ultimately claiming to be an heir to the famous Who Is Clark Rockefeller Xfinity Stream Who Is Clark Rockefeller Eric McCormack Sherry Stringfield Regina Taylor 2010 German con artist Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter Eric McCormack poses as a member of the Rockefeller family Who Is Clark Rockefeller imdb Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter the man that people knew as ÂClark Rockefeller McCormack had brilliantly impersonated numerous people ranging from a talk show host to a Pentagon Advisor before ultimately claiming to be an heir to the famous Rockefeller family Confident from the success of his prior scams Clark quickly became well known and highly respected among BostonÂs elite Who Is Clark Rockefeller 2010 English Movie All about Who Is Clark Rockefeller 2010 English Cinema Trailer Video clips Who Is Clark Rockefeller Reviews Expert Reviews Story Photo Gallery Trivia amp Goofups and Who Is Clark Rockefeller Songs