The story of a New York pro baseball team and two of its players. Henry Wiggen is the star pitcher and Bruce Pearson is the normal, everyday catcher who is far from the star player on the team and friend to all of his teammates. During the off-season, Bruce learns that he is terminally ill, and Henry, his only true friend, is determined to be the one person there for him during his last season with the club. Throughout the course of the season, Henry and his teammates attempt to deal with Bruce's impending illness, all the while attempting to make his last year a memorable one.
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Bang the Drum Slowly film Wikipedia Bang the Drum Slowly is a 1973 American sports drama film directed by John D Hancock about a baseball player of limited intellect who has a terminal illness and his brainier more skilled teammateIt is a film adaptation of the 1956 baseball novel of the same name by American author Mark HarrisIt was previously dramatized in 1956 on the US Steel Hour with Paul Newman Albert Salmi and JustWatch ltstronggtWere sorry but jwapp doesnt work properly without JavaScript enabled Please enable it to continueltstronggt Amazon Bang The Drum Slowly 1973 Various Various Well Bang the Drum Slowly may not be a classic like most of the others just mentioned but it certainly hits the same beautiful rhythm with all those components and still hits a home run with our hearts Robert DeNiros character Bruce Pearson finds out he has a terminal disease and Michael Moriarty sticks by the simple minded catcher in a bond that drives home the true meaning of empathy Amazon Watch Bang The Drum Slowly Prime Video BANG THE DRUM SLOWLY is a baseball movie adapted from a 1950s live TV drama thats actually about friendship life and its end Based on Mark Harriss novel it was partly filmed at Yankee and Shea stadiums Vincent Gardenia as manager Dutch Schnell received a Best Supporting Oscar nod Danny Aiellos minor role as Horse marked his first big screen credit The story concerns roommates
Bang The Drum Slowly Movies on Google Play Bang The Drum Slowly 1973 97 minutes Drama 3 Add to Wishlist 299 Rent 999 Buy Robert De Niro and Michael Moriarty star in this superbly crafted film about the unlikely friendship between two baseball players Moriarty plays the teams ace pitcher and social charmer De Niro is the catcher a farm boy from Georgia who lacks all of Moriartys sophistication He is also dying During Bang The Drum Slowly 1973 Rotten Tomatoes Bang The Drum Slowly Critics Consensus Bang the Drum Slowly is a touching melodrama that explores the inner workings of a baseball club and its players personalities with remarkable depth 92 Bang the Drum Slowly 1973 DVDRip XviD subtitles Wrong movie Corrupted subtitles Not synchronous Wrong language Wrong subtitles format Comments Visitors of SubtitlesBank have given a rating of 710 for Bang the Drum Slowly 1973 English subtitles srt These subtitles in English language may be downloaded for free as a zip file from our site Inside youll find an srt file Bang the Drum Slowly1973DVDRipXviD 7154 kBBang the Drum Bang the Drum Slowly 1973 IMDb Directed by John D Hancock With Michael Moriarty Robert De Niro Vincent Gardenia Phil Foster The story of the friendship between a star pitcher wise to the world and a halfwit catcher as they cope with the catchers terminal illness through a baseball season
Watch Bang the Drum Slowly Online 1973 Movie Yidio Bang the Drum Slowly is a 1973 dramatic film that was adapted from the popular novel by Mark Harris The film follows the story of two teammates from the fictional New York Mammoths baseball team Pitcher Henry Wiggen is a big dollar star and couldnt be more different than his new teammate and catcher Bruce Pearson The two start out at odds but are drawn together emotionally as one of them Bang the Drum Slowly Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released August 26th 1973 Bang the Drum Slowly stars Robert De Niro Danny Aiello Michael Moriarty Vincent Gardenia The PG movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 36 min and received a score of Bang the Drum Slowly FULL MOVIE 1973 YouTube Skip navigation Sign in Search Bang The Drum Slowly 1973 The Robert De Niro movie Bang The Drum Slowly was finishing postproduction in 1973 when Producer Maurice Rosenfield called and asked to hear some of my music He came to my apartment and I played