France, around 1900. Coming from the vibrancy of Paris, pert Célestine is procured as a chambermaid in Normandy. In the Lanlaire's villa she encounters the lecherous man of the house and his asexual, tyrannical and jealous wife. Célestine is determined to avoid the fate suffered by the cook Marianne who has already secretly killed one child born out of wedlock and now despairingly realises she is pregnant again. The lively maid is intrigued by what the mysterious manservant Joseph is up to: he distributes anti-Semitic leaflets and suggests that she could work for him as a prostitute in Cherbourg…
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Diary of a Chambermaid Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released July 7th 2015 Diary of a Chambermaid stars Léa Seydoux Vincent Lindon Clotilde Mollet Hervé Pierre The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 36 min and received a score of out of Diary of a Chambermaid 2015 Watch on Kanopy or Diary of a Chambermaid is available to stream on Kanopy You can also rent or buy it starting at 299 See where to watch Diary of a Chambermaid on reelgood Best Movies Like Diary of a Chambermaid 2015 BestSimilar Movies like Diary of a Chambermaid 2015 If you like Diary of a Chambermaid you are looking for sexual sexy and serious movies about with master and servant social differences power relations society master servant relationship maid and violence against women themes of Drama genre shot in France or Belgium Nonton Diary of a Chambermaid 2015 Dutafilm Nonton Diary of a Chambermaid 2015 Perancis sekitar tahun 1900 Datang dari semangat Paris pert Celestine adalah diperoleh sebagai pelayan di Normandia Di villa Lanlaire ini dia bertemu pria bejat rumah dan istri aseksual tirani dan cemburu Celestine bertekad untuk menghindari nasib yang diderita oleh cook Marianne yang telah diamdiam membunuh satu anak lahir di luar nikah dan
Diary of a Chambermaid in streaming MYmovies Il film è il terzo adattamento cinematografico del romanzo di Octave Mirbeau dopo quello di Jean Renoir e di Luis Buñuel Il film ha ottenuto 2 candidature a Cesar Al Box Office Usa Diary of a Chambermaid ha incassato nelle prime 2 settimane di programmazione 467 mila dollari e 111 mila dollari nel primo weekend Diary of a Chambermaid Netflix Watch trailers amp learn more UNLIMITED TV SHOWS amp MOVIES JOIN NOW SIGN IN Diary of a Chambermaid 2015 16 1h 32m Period Pieces An attractive young woman goes to work as a chambermaid for a troublesome couple The wife is unreasonable and the husband wont stop hitting on her Diary of a Chambermaid 2015 IMDb Directed by Benoît Jacquot With Léa Seydoux Vincent Lindon Clotilde Mollet Hervé Pierre A scheming servant works for a wealthy couple in France during the late 19th century Diary of a Chambermaid Where to Stream and Watch Decider Looking to watch Diary of a Chambermaid Find out where Diary of a Chambermaid is streaming if Diary of a Chambermaid is on Netflix and get news and updates on Decider