A young woman is killed and robbed in her apartment. The trail leads to her indebted ex-boyfriend, a bouncer. In the investigation, the police officer Pontus notices that his colleague is nervous. Isabell carries around a dark secret: one of the suspects in this case has a means of pressure against her in her hand. Commissioner Wallander has a great deal on the capable young policewoman, whose loyalty to her fatherly superior is subjected to a hard test of endurance.
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Wallander Indrivaren TV Episode 2010 IMDb Directed by Kathrine Windfeld With Krister Henriksson Lena Endre Sverrir Gudnason Nina Zanjani Isabelle and Pontus pass out as police officers but he is dismayed when she says she wants to put their affair on hold in order to travelHer plans are cut short when she joins the investigation into the death of her friend from the gymTheresemurdered by burglars Watch Online Movies Free 123moviesis GoMovies GoMovies Watch Online Full Movies HD and TV Series Free and Download without Registration at 123Moviesis GoMoviesltd the original site of 123 Movies Watch Wallander 25 Indrivaren 2010 Putlockers Watch free Putlocker123 Wallander 25 Indrivaren 2010 Putlockers HD Stream full movies Wallander 25 Indrivaren 123movies new A young woman is killed and robbed in her apartment The trail leads to her indebted exboyfriend a bouncer In the investigation the police officer Pontus notices that his colleague is nervous Isabell carries around a dark secret one of the suspects in this case has a Wallander 25 Indrivaren 2010 Watchrs Club Commissioner Wallander has a great deal on the capable young policewoman whose loyalty to her fatherly superior is subjected to a hard test of endurance 6 NA