This documentary on the effect the talent competition "Afghan Star" has on the incredibly diverse inhabitants of Afghanistan affords a glimpse into a country rarely seen. Contestants risk their lives to appear on the television show that is a raging success with the public and also monitored closely by the government.
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Afghan Star 2009 Film Movieplayer Afghan Star 2009 scheda completa del film di Havana Marking trama cast trailer gallerie boxoffice premi curiosità e news Afghan Star 2009 FilmAffinity Afghan Star es un documental dirigido por Havana Marking Año 2009 Título original Afghan Star Sinopsis Ganador de numerosos premios internacionales este documental muestra el impacto del concurso Afghan Star equivalente local de Operación Triunfo en Afganistán tras la Premii Afghan Star 2009 Film CineMagiaro Premii Afghan Star 2009 premiul Sundance Marele premiu al juriului pentru documentar internaţional Havana Marking premiul Sundance Premiul pentru regia de documentar film internaţional Havana Marking premiul Sundance Premiul Openload Movies Watch Free Streaming Movies Online Openload Movies Watch Free Streaming Movies Online Best website to watch free hd movies online without signing up or downloading anything at openload