This update of the 1950 western TV series changes Cisco and Pancho from wandering heroes of the old west to somewhat anti-"gringo" Mexican revolutionaries.
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The Cisco Kid TV Movie 1994 Full Cast amp Crew IMDb The Cisco Kid TV Movie 1994 cast and crew credits including actors actresses directors writers and more The Cisco Kid 1994 film Wikipedia The Cisco Kid is an American 1994 TV movie which updated the successful 1950s comedy western television series and 1940s movie serial The film was written by Michael Kane and directed by Luis Valdez Jimmy Smits played the Cisco Kid the role previously played by Duncan Renaldo Gilbert Roland and Cesar Romero Cheech Marin played his sidekick Pancho The Cisco Kid Created by OHenry in 1907 the Cisco Kid was the hero of over two dozen films three radio series and a longrunning TV show In 1994 the Kid galloped back into action in this original TNT movie TheCiscoKid Free Download Borrow and Streaming Animation amp Cartoons Arts amp Music Computers amp Technology Cultural amp Academic Films Ephemeral Films Movies News amp Public Affairs Understanding 911 Spirituality amp Religion Sports Videos Television Videogame Videos Vlogs Youth Media Featured TheCiscoKid Audio Preview
The Cisco Kid 1994 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD YouTube Click Here httpscinemamv21xyz The Cisco Kid 1994 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD Related search Chaar Sahibzaade 2014 Full Movie streaming DOWNLO The Cisco Kid 1994 Luis Valdez Synopsis Find trailers reviews synopsis awards and cast information for The Cisco Kid 1994 Luis Valdez on AllMovie Cisco and his pal Pancho return in this The Cisco Kid Movies There have been 28 Cisco Kid movies spanning a time frame from 1914 to 1994 There were two silent movies made One in 1914 and one in 1919 The talkies started in 1928 with the majority of the movies made up to 1950 A Cisco Kid TV movie was made in 1994 In movies Cisco has been played by seven different people The Cisco Kid TV Movie 1994 The Cisco Kid TV Movie But I ENJOYED the film It was as much fun or more than the old black and white episodes I used to watch on TV on a Saturday afternoon The first thing I did when I finished watching The Cisco Kid on video was rewind it and watch it all over again There are some movies that are just fun and this is one of them
The Cisco Kid TV Movie 1994 IMDb Directed by Luis Valdez With Jimmy Smits Cheech Marin Sadie Frost Bruce Payne This update of the 1950 western TV series changes Cisco and Pancho from wandering heroes of the old west to somewhat antigringo Mexican revolutionaries PelĂcula The Cisco Kid 1994 abandomoviez The Cisco Kid The Cisco Kid dirigida por Luis Valdez en 1994 Bruce Payne Cheech Marin Jimmy Smits Ron Perlman Sadie Frost Tony Amendola The Cisco Kid Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released February 6th 1994 The Cisco Kid stars Jimmy Smits Cheech Marin Sadie Frost Bruce Payne The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 31 min and received a score of out of 100 on The Cisco Kid 1994 on iTunes The Cisco Kid rides again in this highspirited action adventure starring Jimmy Smits and Cheech Marin With the juaristas locked in a lifeanddeath struggle with the armies of France the fate of Mexico lies with Cisco Smits and Pancho Marin two unlikely heroes who meet while escaping a French firing squad