One morning, California wakes up to find that one-third of its population -- the Hispanic third -- has disappeared. A strange pink fog envelops the state, and communication outside its boundaries is completely cut off. The economic, political and social implications of this disaster threaten California's way of life, and for a group of disparate people (all white, except for one Latina), the cracks in their private lives are forced wide open.
A Day Without a Mexican streaming vf dailymotion A Day Without a Mexican streaming vf Rated 5 out of 10 with 19 votes Suite à lapparition dun mystérieux brouillard audessus de la Californie tous les mexicains disparaissent au détriment de léconomie et le fonctionnement de lEtat A Day Without a Mexican 2004 Rotten Tomatoes A Day Without a Mexican proved controversial even before its release promotional billboards reading On May 14th there will be no Mexicans in California caused a stir with immigrant rights A Day Without a Mexican 2004 FilmAffinity A Day Without a Mexican is a film directed by Sergio Arau with Caroline Aaron Tony Abatemarco Melinda Allen Frankie J Allison Year 2004 Original title Un día sin mexicanos A Day Without a Mexican Synopsis It seemed like just another day when the residents of California awoke from their peaceful slumber The usual pink smog filled the air creating a foggy haze over the mid
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