Set during a turbulent era of disquiet, fear, persecution and terror, which permeates every corner of post-WWI Hungarian society. In 1919, after just a few months of communist rule the Hungarian Republic of Councils falls victim to a nationalist counter-revolution. Admiral Horthy, leader of the nationalist far right movement, becomes the self-proclaimed regent of Hungary, and assumes power as the legal Head of State. Soldiers of the short-lived Hungarian Red Army are now on the run from relentless secret policemen and patrol units of the nationalist Royal Gendarme. If caught, ex-Red Army soldiers are executed without mercy or proper trial. István Cserzi, a former soldier of the Red Army has fled to the Great Hungarian Plains and has taken refuge on a farm, which is run by two sympathetic women. Due to the generosity of these women and a former childhood pal...
Best Movies Like Silence and Cry BestSimilar The list contains related movies ordered by similarity Recommendation engine sorted out realistic serious epic and captivating films with plots about army family relations murder military flashback politics and prison mostly in Drama War and Musical genres Some movies like Silence and Cry Electra My Love 1974 Do It One Watch The Great Silence 1968 online free gogomovies Watch The Great Silence 1968 full movies online gogomovies Synopsis Bounty killers led by Loco prey on outlaws hiding out in the snowbound Utahn mountains After Paulines husband becomes Locos latest victim she hires a gunman for revenge Silence mute since his throat was cut when he was a boy Silence and Cry 1968 Watchrs Club Similar Movies Silence and Cry Play Song Pause Song About the film nationalism army Silence and Cry Release Date June 12 1968 If you like Silence and Cry you may like All Quiet on the Western Front Paths of Glory Kajaki Pearl Harbor Casablanca The Four Feathers A Bridge Too Far
RAREFILMSANDMORECOM SILENCE AND CRY 1968 with hard Silence and Cry is set during a turbulent era of disquiet fear persecution and terror which permeated every corner of postWWI Hungarian society In 1919 after just a few months of communist rule the Hungarian Republic of Councils is overthrown by a nationalist counter revolution Admiral Horthy leader of the nationalist far right movement becomes the selfproclaimed regent of Hungary 720p The Great Silence 1968 Hoge Western Movie Divx Full Streaming The Great Silence The Great Silence Il grande silenzio 1968 or The Big Silence is an Italian spaghetti western The movie features a score by Ennio Morricone and stars JeanLouis Trintignant as Silence a mute gunfighter with a grudge against bounty hunters assisting a group of outlawed Mormons and a woman trying to avenge her husband one of the outlaws Silence and Cry 1968 Movieo Miklós Jancsós Silence and Cry is set during a turbulent era of disquiet fear persecution and terror which permeates every corner of postWWI Hungarian society In 1919 after just a few months of communist rule the Hungarian Republic of Councils falls victim to a nationalist counterrevolution Admiral Horthy leader of the nationalist far right movement becomes the selfproclaimed Silence and Cry 1967 Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released 1967 Silence and Cry stars Mari Töröcsik József Madaras Zoltán Latinovits Andrea Drahota The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 13 min and received a score of out of 100 on
Watch Free Movies Online amp Download Full Movies Free MovieHDZ is a complete Watch Free Movies Online and Free Download Movies Videos in high quality video Silence and Cry Wikipedia Silence and Cry Hungarian Csend és kiáltás is a 1968 Hungarian drama film directed by Miklós Jancs Watch Silence and Cry1968 online free Watch HD movies Silence and Cry reminds me more of Jancsós My Way Home where Jancsó is still in his mannered interpersonal melee and strife period and yet he injects a modicum of storyline and pathosThis is a miserable film in the sense that it is clear that nothing good is ever going to come of events right from the start and there is also more obvious sadism than in the other Jancsó movies Ive Silence and Cry 1968 IMDb Directed by Miklós Jancsó With Mari Töröcsik József Madaras Zoltán Latinovits Andrea Drahota Miklós Jancsós Silence and Cry is set during a turbulent era of disquiet fear persecution and terror which permeates every corner of postWWI Hungarian society In 1919 after just a few months of communist rule the Hungarian Republic of Councils falls victim to a nationalist counter
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