Becker's documentary presents the arguments of the new-age practice of "bio-energetic medicine." Presented as a medical documentary, The Living Matrix, promotes healing through energy reading and manipulation. Director Greg Becker presents his arguments through anecdotal patient stories, and interviews with parapsychology professionals.
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THE_LIVING_MATRIX This is a remarkable factual documentary about healing methods in 21 century and what is available at the moment This should provide assistance to many who The Living Matrix Movie The New Science of Health and The Living Matrix Movie The New Science of Health and Healing is Here After seeing The Living Matrix I was awake most of the night thinking about my new favorite movie Featuring top geneticists scientists and switching between true stories of people healed and releasing powerful scientific studies this movie truly moved me The Living Matrix Film 2009 Moviepilot Die besten StreamingTipps gibts im MoviepilotPodcast Streamgestöber The Living Matrix ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 2009 von Greg Becker Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu The Living Matrix The Living Matrix 2009 Online Película Completa en Puedes ver The Living Matrix película completa en nuestra guía cinematográfica Con la dirección cinematográfica de Greg Becker Adam Dreamhealer encabeza el reparto de esta cinta de Estados Unidos Alemania Grecia y Países Bajos con libreto en inglés ver subtítulos cuya presentación al público se programó para 2009
THE LIVING MATRIX 2009 Film in het Nederlands The Living Matrix online kijken Met de acteur richting van Greg Becker Adam Dreamhealer hoofd van de cast van deze film van de VS Duitsland Griekenland en Nederland met een script in het Engels waarvan de presentatie aan het publiek was gepland voor 2009 U kunt The Living Matrix kijken in de TVkabel of bioscopen met originele audio in The Living Matrix 2009 The Movie Database TMDb The Living Matrix 2009 10222009 DE Documentary 1h 24m User Score Play Trailer presents the arguments of the newage practice of bioenergetic medicine Presented as a medical documentary The Living Matrix Cant find a movie or TV show Login to create it Login Sign Up Global s focus the search bar The Living Matrix Xfinity Stream The Living Matrix Adam Dreamhealer 2009 The work of academic and independent researchers practitioners By activating you agree that you want to enable cloud technology to access your Xfinity Stream subscription on additional supported devices like computers and tablets The Living Matrix 2009 IMDb Directed by Greg Becker With Adam Dreamhealer Arielle Essex Peter Fraser Bruce Lipton Our film The Living Matrix The Science of Healing uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health We talk with a group of dedicated scientists psychologists bioenergetic researchers and holistic practitioners who are finding healing potential in new places
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